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GC & FIFe IC JustOneWish Splatter Painted
dilute calico spay DOB 11.11.12
JustOneWish Enrique Enrique x
Alizara Red Hot Hannah
breeder: Vicki Moore, Germany
2 x NOM
N*Con Brio's Dior SilverShine
tortiesilvertabby exotic spay born 27.6.2010
PKD-DNA neg.
(Blood group A)
S*IxiDixi's Ag-Aton x IC Siriuksen Exotic Vampira
breeder: Margareth Hanch-Hansen, Norway
IC Alsace Exotic Jitka
tortie exotic spay
PKD-DNA neg. DOB 11.1.2014
IC & CFA GC Aftabi Top Spin of Siriuksen, DM x IC Kis'Herbas Lavazza of Siriuksen
6 x NOM, 1 x BIS
IC Alsace
Exotic Laurel
silver spotted exotic neuter DOB 29.1.2015
PKD-DNA neg.
CH N*Con Brio's Silver Gaparelli x IC Kis'Herbas Lavazza of Siriuksen
2 x NOM
own: Laura Karhu
Alsace Laurus
silverspotted exotic male DOB 29.1.15
PKD-DNA neg parents
CH ConBrio's Silver Gaparelli x IC KisHerba's Lavazza of Siriuksen
own Meri Ahlgren, FI
Siriuksen Exotic Hamlet
silverspotted exotic born
CH N*Con Brio's Silver Gaparelli x IC Siriuksen Exotic Delia
own: Raili Hintikka, FI
IC Siriuksen Exotic Vampira
silvertabby exotic born
IC & CFA GC Aftabi Top Spin of Siriuksen, DM x EC N*Con Brio´s
own: Margareth
Hanch-Hansen, Norway N*Con Brio´s
9 x NOM, 2 x BIS
CH Alsace Exotic Jonas
red smoke exotic
PKD-DNA neg. DOB 11.1.2014
IC & CFA GC Aftabi Top Spin of Siriuksen, DM x IC Kis'Herbas Lavazza of Siriuksen
own Lilo Pfister, CH*Von Eran
3 x NOM, 3 x BIS
SC&IP Siriuksen Exotic Devi
tortie smoke exotic
DOB 16.1.06 PKD-DNA neg parents
Joanna la Fonteyn´s Max A Million x EC Clover-Club Heart of
8 x NOM, 5 x BIS
Breeding queen of the year
2009 # 3
own Kimmo Kolkka, FIN
EC Siriuksen Exotic Åbelix
silver spotted tabby exotic
male born 31.10.04
CH LT*Billet-Doux Stebuklas x EC Clover-Club Heart of Silver
own Marika Koivunen
& Raija Kalliomäki, FIN
9 x NOM, 3 x BIS, 1 x BOX
Kitten of the year
2005 nr 9
IC Siriuksen Exotic Ronja
black smoke exotic spay born 19.4.2008
EC Siriuksen Exotic Åbelix x EC N*Con Brio´s Nin-O-Silver-Nuts
own Raija Kalliomäki, FIN*Clover-Club
Siriuksen Exotic Ronaldinho
silver spotted tabby exotic
neuter born 19.4.2008
EC Siriuksen Exotic Åbelix x EC N*Con Brio´s Nin-O-Silver-Nuts
own Crista & Tapani Patron
Siriuksen Exotic Årvieto
silver spotted tabby exotic
neuter born 31.10.04
CH LT*Billet-Doux Stebuklas x EC Clover-Club Heart of Silver
own Heidi Candolin, FIN
Siriuksen Exotic Diesel
silver spotted tabby bicolour exotic
neuter born 16.1.06
Joanna la Fonteyn´s Max A Million x EC Clover-Club Heart of Silver
own: Nina Segerroos
IC Siriuksen Exotic Druidi
tortie smoke exotic
spay DOB 16.1.06 PKD-DNA neg parents
Joanna la Fonteyn´s Max A Million x EC Clover-Club Heart of
own: Outi Kolkka, FIN
Siriuksen Exotic Öbrie
bluetortie tabby female exotic DOB 27.7.09
GIC Vanilla Star Lollipop x IP& SC Siriuksen Exotic Devi
own. Kimmo Kolkka, FIN
2 x NOM, 2 x BIS
Cat of The Year 2012 Females # 7
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