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Our rainbow bridge:


And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.

Are you coming then? asked God.
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.

But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am....forever and ever and ever.



DBCats You´re The One of Siriuksen

browntabby bicolour longhair American Curl  spay 5.8.2008 - 24.10.2024 (kidneys)
GC, BW, RW Procurlharem's Steve McCurl, DM x GC, BW, RW DBCats Swiss Miss
Br: Dianna & Bruce Clark, California USA

7 x NOMBest American Curl longhair in CFA 2009-2010


SP Siriuksen QuincyCurl
bluetabbpypoint/white shorthair American Curl  male DOB 2.11.2015-8.10.2024 (HCM)
Siriuksen KokopelliCurlCurl x GIC White Star Iskra of Siriuksen, DM
own: Marjukka Nurmela-Antikainen FI
13 x NOM, 4 x BIS

Neuter of the year 2017 # 8


 GIC Almathea Boogie Nights

black persian
Parents PKD-DNA neg.
DOB 25.6.2015 - 21.5.2024 (cancer)
Almathea Total Eclipse x Almathea Aretha Franklin
Br: Aneta Makowska, PL

15x NOM, 7 x BIS

Male of the year 2017 # 4

Thank you Aneta for this "little tank"!
He was so sweet always




CFA GRC & FIFe SC&IP Siriuksen GipsyRoseCurl, DM

black  longhair American Curl spay 22.5.2013 - 1.3.24 (pancreatitis & kidney failure)
SC Siriuksen AristoCurl, DM x Siriuksen SalsaCurl, DM

19 x NOM, 2 x BIS



IC Siriuksen Wagga-Wagga
silverspotted persian born 15.12.2008 -4.12.2023 (ca)
IC & CFA GC Aftabi Top Spin of Siriuksen, DM x EC Siriuksen Aurelia

own: Margareth Hanch-Hansen, Norway N*Con Brio´s

8 x NOM, 4 x BIS-Kitten, 2 x BIS-Adult



Siriuksen LeroyCurl & Siriuksen KaraCurl
Brown spotted shorthair male DOB 12.4.2007
 EC Siriuksen X-Curl x CH Siriuksen GoGoCurl & 
cream spotted longhair neuter DOB 20.2.07
IP Siriuksen BenjiCurl x Siriuksen EmmaCurl
own: Elina Mattila, FIN

IP Siriuksen BenjiCurl 
Bluespotted neuter SH DOB 31.10.05-22.2.23
CH Rinaldo of Boomer, JW x EC&GC&SGC&RW DBCats Heartbreaker of Siriuksen, DM
o: Marita Nousiainen FIN
3 x NOM

Siriuksen KermaCurl
creamspotted SH neuter (SE curl)  20.2.07-9.2.23
IP Siriuksen BenjiCurl x Siriuksen EmmaCurl
own: Krista Erola

CH Siriuksen EarthaKittCurl

sealpoint American Curl longhair female 12.4.11-11.12.22
CH Magnificat Lenni Curl xGIC Siriuksen ÄdnaCurl
own Ronja Koskinen FI
1 x NOM

PR Siriuksen IrekCurl
Lilactabby  American Curl Shorthair neuter  30.12.2006-8.7.2022
 IP Siriuksen BenjiCurl x EC Siriuksen XarletCurl
o: Heidi Mäntylä

IC Siriuksen BambiCurl, JW
Tortie silverspotted bicolour spay SH 31.10.05 - 23.8.21
CH Rinaldo of Boomer, JW x EC&GC&SGC&RW DBCats Heartbreaker of Siriuksen, DM
12 x NOM, 6 x BIS kitten, 1 x BIS adult, 2 x BOX, 2 x BIS neuter, 2 x Agility winner
o: Linda Sviksa, Latvija, LV*Nostri Vincent cattery

SC Siriuksen BabyCurl
Tortie silverspotted harlequin female SH 31.10.05 - 2.8.21
CH Rinaldo of Boomer, JW x EC&GC&SGC&RW DBCats Heartbreaker of Siriuksen, DM
o: Merja & Marjo Mäkinen & Mariia Touronen, cattery FIN*Recknagel
8 x NOM


IC Siriuksen Exotic Delia
silvertabby exotic spay born 9.2.2011-29.3.2021 (ca cum mestastasis)
PKD-DNA neg parents 
IC & CFA GC Aftabi Top Spin of Siriuksen, DM x EC N*Con Brio´s Nin-O-Silver-Nuts


CFA GP & DW & FIFe GIP Siriuksen GigoloCurl
 bluesilver spotted  LH neuter 26.2.06 - 17.3.21
CH Magnificat Nougat Curl, JW x EC Siriuksen YvresseCurl
own. Dirk & Simone Schwartze-Friedrich, Germany
7 x NOM, 2 x BIS

CFA International Division 2008-2009
Division winner (
Neuter # 4 )
and 3rd best American Curl LH neuter in CFA

Drawing of Gigolo made by his owner Simone


 IC Kis'Herbas Lavazza of Siriuksen

tortie smoke exotic spay DOB 5.11.2007-15.1.2021 (ca intestini)

CH Kuorii Garfiel of KisHerbas x Kis'Herbas Jewel
     breeder: Grazina Grigutiene, Lithuania
4 x nominated, 4 x BIS


EC& SP & CFA CH Siriuksen IdaCurl
Brownspotted/white  American Curl Shorthair spay  30.12.2006-11.12.2020 (kidney failure)
 IP Siriuksen BenjiCurl x EC Siriuksen XarletCurl
22 x NOM, 4 x BIS & 6 x BIS-Veteran

Spay of the year 2017 # 15
Veteran of the year 2017 # 9
Spay of the year 2020 #4
Veteran of the year 2020 # 2


CH Siriuksen GoGoCurl
Bluegolden spotted shorthair   26.2.2006-9.12.2020
 CH Magnificat Nougat Curl x EC Siriuksen YvresseCurl
own Iila Melarto, cattery FIN*Saunakissan

IC Siriuksen Fiona
Tortie female DOB 12.4.13 - 6.10.20 (Pancreas ca)
Parents PKD-DNA neg.
IC & CFA GC Aftabi Top Spin of Siriuksen, DM x GIC S'IxiDixi She-Bang, JW
1 x BOV, 2 x NOM

It came like a schock, my little Flea-Flea left us.


CH Trollin Coloria
Tortietabby/white American curl shorthair spay DOB 19.6.09 -5.10.20
EC Siriuksen IiroCurl x IC HoneyCurl Alisiya
br Satu Honkala FIN
5 x NOM

Kitten of the year 2009 nr 19


Siriuksen Exotic Verona
black smoke exotic spay born 11.12.2008-22.9.2020
PKD-DNA neg parents
IC & CFA GC Aftabi Top Spin of Siriuksen, DM x EC N*Con Brio´s Nin-O-Silver-Nuts
own: Virpi Pelttari, FI


PR Siriuksen TitusCurl
 Black  longhair male DOB 6.11.16
SC&GIP, CH&PR Siriuksen Ragnar LothbrokCurl x IC White Star Iskra of Siriuksen
own Tero Turtiainen FI

IC & GC Aftabi Top Spin of Siriuksen, DM

black persian neuter DOB 7.7.06 - 27.4.2020
GC Tehy Black Magic x GC Aftabi Secret Dream of  Tehy
breeder: Linda Casey & Terry Hyde, Tennessee USA

4 x NOM, 3 x BIS, 2 x BOB

Stud of the year 2009 nr 1

Spini, you left so suddenly!

FIFe & CFA CH Sarcenet Wendy of Siriuksen
shaded golden  longhair American Curl  female DOB 15.9.2010 - 16.12.2019
RW, SGC Magnificat True Love Curl x Sarcenet Stunning Silver
Br: Lisa Aring & Mark Hack,  Texas USA

4 x NOM

EC Siriuksen XarletCurl
browntabby longhair American Curl spay  DOB 22.1.04-26.9.19
EC & CFA CH Bear-Sun   x  EC Karmen of Boomer&Smaragd
5 x BOV, 4 x NOM
own: Jyrki Aaltonen FI

Siriuksen CapriCurl
Bluetabby LH spay DOB 13.12.05-3.7.19
EC Siriuksen ÄijäCurl x GIC Russicurl´s Kurlmensita
own Pirkko-Liisa & Kenneth Tarvonen FIN

EC Clover-Club Heart of Silver

silver mackerel tabby exotic spay born 24.11.02  DNA-PKD neg.
EC Siriuksen Merlin, DSM x EP&EC Clover-Club Delightful Smoke

breeder: Raija Kalliomäki, Finland
8 x NOM, 1 x BIS, 4 x BOX
Thank you Raija for these lovely, beautiful  & sweet females!

Cat of the year 2005 nr 16
Cat of the year 2006 nr 9

IC Russicurl's Chocodream
Chocolatetortiesilvertabbypoint SH spay, DOB 19.3.01-15.2.19
Breeder: Svetlana Ponomareva, Russia
own Ritva Louhelainen FIN
2 x NOM, 1 x BOX

GIC Russicurl´s Kurlmensita
bluetortie longhair American Curl spay DOB 5.3.02-25.4.18
CFA GC Procurlharem Murphycurl x Samoa Gems Graftycurl of Russicurl
Breeder: Svetlana Ponomareva, Russia
own: Jyrki Aaltonen, FI

5 x NOM, 1 x BIS

IC Siriuksen EtnaCurl
black smoke white longhair American Curl spay DOB 12.4.2011
CH Magnificat Lenni Curl x GIC Siriuksen ÄdnaCurl
2 x BIV, 6 x NOM, 2 x BIS


CFA GP & GIP  Siriuksen EdithPiafCurl
silvertabby longhair American Curl spay DOB 12.4.2011
CH Magnificat Lenni Curl x GIC Siriuksen ÄdnaCurl
3 x NOM

PR Siriuksen JoeCurl
bluepoint/white American Curl  neuter DOB 31.1.07¨-11.11.2017
IP Siriuksen EeroCurl   x  GIP&CH Siriuksen CandyCurl
own Helga Lahtinen FIN

Siriuksen UndinaCurl
browntabby/white shorthair American Curl  female DOB 8.11.2016 -7.11.2017 (Cancer & FIP)
SC Siriuksen AristoCurl x IC Siriuksen EtnaCurl

Far too soon but we could not help her, we are two families crying

TICA DGC & EC Siriuksen MuscatCurl
Lilac spotted LH female DOB 20.11.2007-20.7.2017 (Brain cancer)
PR Siriuksen IrekCurl x EC Sarcenet Claire deLune of Siriuksen
own. Elodie Letot, Belgium cattery B*Curlpassion
3 x BIV, 10 x NOM, 7 x BIS,  1 x Best of Best, 4 x Special Prize

GIC S*IxiDixi´s She-Bang, JW

 red silvertabby persian spay  15.12.06 - 3.8.2016 (cancer)
PKD-DNA neg parents

Amorstroll´s Ghostrider x IC Ixi-Dixi´s She-Boom
breeder: Chatrine Persson, Sweden

17 x NOM, 8 x BIS, 2 x BOX

Breeding queen of the year 2009 # 1

*She loved everybody*

EC Siriuksen ÄijäCurl
Brown spotted/white American Curl longhair neuter 10.11.04 - 27.7.2016 (anaesthesia complications)
EC&CFA CH Bear-Sun x EC Karmen of Boomer & Smaragd
12 x NOM, 2 x BIS

own Vuokko Takapuro FIN

Kitten of the year 2005 nr 15
Cat of the year 2005 nr 26


EC N*Con Brio's Silver Juliette

silvertabby persian born 9.1.02 -23.6.16 (melanoma)
IP&CH N*Con Brio's Faustino x Hassellidens Tabby Bonnie
     breeder: Margareth Hanch-Hansen, Norway

This was LOVE at first sight!!!

Thank You Margareth, I just adored her!


  22 x nominated, 15 x BIS, 2 x BOX
Kitten of the year 2002
Cat of the year 2004 # 3 & best female

EC Siriuksen Aurelia

silvertabby persian born 8.2.05 - 19.5.16 (just slept away)
EC&PR Siriuksen Merlin, DSM x EC N*Con Brio´s Silver Juliette

7 x NOM, 1 x BIS, 3 x BOX

Kitten  of the year 2005 # 14
Cat of the year 2006 # 7

Miklis - Always "in charge" !

  EC & CFA PR N*Con Brio's Nin-O-Silver-Nuts

silvertabby exotic born 5.7.03 -1.12.2015 (heart failure)
CH Glevum Continuing Trends x Hassellidens Silver Timorosa
     breeder: Margareth Hanch-Hansen, Norway
14 x nominated, 5 x BOX


Oh, how long I had to wait for her... but she was worth it! And sweetest of all!

Cat of the year 2005 # 14
Cat of the year 2006 # 3
Breeding queen of the year 2009 # 2

CFA CH Alsace Ariana
 Tortietabby maine coon spay 13.11.2006-1.9.2015 (stroke)
GC Alsace Armstrong x GC McKittyCreek K.D. of Alsace
tortietabby Maine Coon female

GC Alsace Armstrong
Cameotabby maine coon neuter  -29.4.2015 (HCM)
GC, RW Shubacoons Navarre of Alsace x CH McKittycreek Isabeau of Alsace

Big big love


blue mackerel tabby neuter SH house cat 1.1.1999-17.2.2015 
- formerly feral cat from Texas, a bed bug-

EC & PR Siriuksen Merlin, DSM

silver mackerel tabby persian neuter 27.11.00-17.9.2014
34 x NOM, 4 x BOX, 22 x BIS!
Kitten of the year 2001
Cat of the year 2002
Cat of the year 2003 # 11
Cat of the year 2004 # 9
Cat of the year 2005 # 5

EC Vixi´s PhanTom, DM x IC Honeydew Juliet
own. Raija Kalliomäki FIN, cattery Clover-Club

"The perfect gentleman and big love"


Siriuksen KenzoCurl
creamspotted SH neuter  DOB 20.2.07- 2014
IP Siriuksen BenjiCurl x Siriuksen EmmaCurl
own: Anni Viljanen FIN


CFA CH Alsace Chasing Amy
cameotabby Maine Coon female 10.2005-6.8.2014 (horrible tumors)
GC Alsace Armstrong x GC McKittyCreek K.D. of Alsace

The sweetest maine coon lady I know!

EC Clover-Club Dark Nightmare

silver spotted tabby persian born 14.11.99-29.12.2013  PKD-DNA neg.
GIC Puca´s Davidoff x IC Clover-Club Baffling Girl, DM
breeder: Raija Kalliomäki, Finland


7 x nominated

CFA CH + FIFe EC BlackIce Dixie Chick

black smoke persian born 13.06.01-17.4.2013  PKD-DNA neg.
GC BlackIce Augustus x CH BlackIce Steeling My Heart
breeder: Margaret Drake, USA
own: Mia FIN

14 x nominated, 5 x BOX, 1 x BIS
Cat of the year 2002 nr 13
Cat of the year 2003 nr 10


IP Siriuksen Samurai

blacksmoke persian neuter, born 11.4.2003 
1 x NOM
EC Vixi´s PhanTom, DM x EC Clover-Club Dark Nightmare
own Jaana Vidgren FIN


CH Siriuksen Ninja

black smoke persian female, 6.2.01-8.4.13 (ca mammae)
1 x BOV
IC Puca's Davidoff x IC Siriuksen Glorious Gina
own. Leila & Aarre Muuro, Fumocat's cattery

IC Bright of Boomer, JW
black silvertabby American Curl longhair (neuter) male DOB 4.8.02 - 29.11.2012
EC Russicurl´s Curly-Curl x CH Curlniques Beuty For Ashes
breeder: Juta Truusa, Estonia
"Tilli" is nowadays owned by Elise Rämö (before owned by her and us)
11 x NOM, 5 x BIS
2 x Cat agility winner


Siriuksen SimbaCurl 
seal tabbypoint SH curl neuter 22.5.2008 -16.10.2012 (Diabetes mellitus)
CH Siriuksen KeikiCurl x EC Sarcenet Claire deLune of Siriuksen
own: Riku Hakkarainen FIN


GIC Siriuksen Mafalda

black persian female, born 27.11.00
5 x BOV, 3 x NOM, 1 x BOX
EC Vixi´s PhanTom, DM x IC Honeydew Juliet
own. Anna Jónsdottir & Hrefna Björk Jónsdottir, Iceland

Siriuksen Roma

silver tabby persian, 12.4.1994 -27.7.2012
Siriuksen Garibaldi x EC Oranyl di Al Chiba, DM
own Mirja Kad FI

GIC Blackice One And Only

black smoke persian spay, born 28.2.97
2 x NOM
Blackice B.B.King x Suitesue´s Shot´n Mist of Blackice, DM
Br: Margaret Drake USA


Siriuksen Exotic Özmer
silverspotted exotic born 27.7.2009-??  (2012)
GIC Vanilla Star Lollipop x GIC Siriuksen Exotic Devi
5 x NOM, 1 x BIS

own. Marika Nyström



PR&EC Siriuksen Yin

tortie smoke persian female, 5.5.96-9.2.2012
6 x NOM
Veteran of the year 2003 nr 4
EP&EC Siriuksen Nirvana, DM x Siriuksen Roma
own. Leila & Aarre Muuro, cattery Fumocat's

IC Siriuksen Verdi, JW
silvertabby persian born 11.12.2008- ?? (2011)
IC & CFA GC Aftabi Top Spin of Siriuksen x EC N*ConBrio´s Nin-O-Silver-Nuts

10 x NOM; 8 x BIS

own: Marika Nyström


Kitten of the year 2009 nr 1


   Siriuksen TicoCurl
tortietabby American curl shorthair spay 6.7.08 -  8.1.2012
EC Siriuksen IiroCurl x EC Siriuksen BiellaCurl
own Pirkko-Liisa & Kenneth Tarvonen, FIN


CH Siriuksen JadeCurl
redsilvertabbypoint/white longhair American Curl  spay 31.1.07-2.9.2011 (AIHA)
IP Siriuksen EeroCurl  x GIP&CH Siriuksen CandyCurl
own Pirkko-Liisa & Kenneth Tarvonen, FIN

1 x NOM

Loosing Jade broke Picos heart


Siriuksen ÄzerCurl
Chocolate LH male DOB 11.5.2009
Siriuksen SimbaCurl x EC Siriuksen XarletCurl
own Claire Norman, GB Overear

EC& IP Siriuksen Evok

black smoke persian spay 10.9.98 - ??
EP&EC Siriuksen Nirvana, DM x Siriuksen Roma


14 x nominated, 2 x BIS, 4 x BOX
Neuter of the year 2004 # 9
0wn. Marika Nyström


Our resque cat Hulda DOB? DOD-2011?

PR Villilän-Hulda, registered as black bicolour european SH in the novice class
1 x NOM
She got her PR -title at the FIFe Wold Show in Helsinki
own Marika Nyström


DBCats Heartbreaker of Siriuksen, DM

browntabbywhite (gen silvertabbywhite) Longhair American Curl, 10.4.2001-5.10.2010 (cancer)
BW,RW,SGC&GC Procurlharem Steve McCurl of DBCats x
GC DBCats Blue Rose, DM
breeders: Dianna & Bruce Clark, California USA

13 x NOM
Cat of the year 2004 # 18
Breeding female of the year 2006 # 4

Hertta"  is the proud mom of Scandinavian Winner 2005 male

She slept to my arms purring and giving headbumbs.. far too early, she was so special a true Heatbreaker!



EC Siriuksen Mefisto, DSM

black persian male, born 27.11.00 -4.3.2010
50 x BOV, 73 x NOM, 5 x BOX, 46 x BIS!
Cat of the year 2002 # 7
Cat of the year 2003 # 9
Cat of the year 2004
Cat of the year 2005
Cat of the year 2006

EC Vixi´s PhanTom, DM x IC Honeydew Juliet
own. Leila & Aarre Muuro, cattery Fumocat's



EP Siriuksen Exotic Veeti, JW & DSM

browntabby exotic male, born 22.6.03-15.2.2009 (liver cancer)
EC Kikicat Special Dreamweaver x EC N*ConBrio´s Silver Juliette

31 x NOM, 15 x BIS, 3 x BOX
Kitten of the year 2004 # 4
Neuter of the year 2004 # 11
Neuter of the year 2005 # 6
Neuter of the year 2006 # 4

There will never be another cat like Veeti, our "little dog"!

IC Siriuksen Ådd-Åscar

white odd-eyed persian male, born 3.9.96
EP&EC Siriuksen Nirvana, DM x Siriuksen Glorious Geisha
own: Kersti Passel FIN

CH Siriuksen Vito Visconte

white copper-eyed persian male, born 26.8.95
EP&EC Walburcat´s Five Pence x Siriuksen Glorious Geisha
own. Marianne Behm FIN, Cattery Nunza

EC Karmen of Boomer & Smaragd

Goldenspotted LH spay DOB 5.4.01-24.2.09 (pyometra complications)
CH&CFA CH Harthcurl CAC Quarante x CH Curlniques Beauty For Ashes
Breeder: Juta Truusa & Natalja Zarzitskaja, Estonia
12 x NOM, 4 x BOX
Karmen "Ipi" was presented in the FIFe GA where curls got recogniced. She was our first curl, 
the reason why we started breeding  & loving them!

Cat of the year 2003 # 13
Cat of the year 2004 # 21
Cat of the year 2004 / breeding female # 5



Siriuksen Fenix
Silver mac tabby persian male DOB 8.2.2005
EC&PR Siriuksen Merlin, DSM x EC N*Con Brio´s Silver Juliette
own Tiina Vittaniemi FIN
2 x NOM, 1 x BIS

EP&EC Notturno del Do Diesis, DM

silver tabby persian male, 19.6.88-26.2.2001
IC Mehen di Al Chiba x Melodia
breeder Rossana Conti, Italia

3 x BOV, 12 x NOM, 1 x BOX, 1 x BIS, 
5 x BIS veteran, 1 x BOB veteran, 6 x best breeding male

"You were Our First Boy"

GIP&EC Larcana di Al Chiba, DM
tortie silver tabby persian female, 23.8.86 - 30.10.98
breeder Rita Conti Fornara, Italia

4 x BOV, 5 x NOM
9 x BIS veteran,  1 x BOB veteran
Veteran of the Year 1997
Larcana was shown in 8 coutries.

"We will always remember you 
as the queen of our house"

EC Oranyl di Al Chiba, DM

silver tabby persian female, born 16.8.89-2.6.2006
EC Laris di Al Chiba x Mirella di Santa Monica
breeder Rita Conti Fornara, Italia

5 x BOV, 4 x NOM
1 x BIS veteran,  1 x best breeding female

Thank You Rita for Your help! 
These 3 cats are the foundation cats to our silver breeding!

GIC Siriuksen Dona Chiba
silver tabby female, 23.7.91-26.7.93 (liver necrosis)
EP&EC Notturno del Do Diesis, DM x EC Oranyl di Al Chiba, DM 

9 x BOV, 6 x NOM, 1 x BOX, 1 x BIS, 1 x BOB

GIC Siriuksen Dona Chiba 
silver tabby female 23.7.91-26.7.93
own. Marika Nyström
EC Siriuksen Dona Contessa
silver tabby female, born 23.7.91
ow: Kristiina Jalo FIN, Cattery Noble-Star's
8 x BOV, 3 x NOM, 1 x Best opp sex

EP&EC Notturno del Do Diesis, DM x EC Oranyl di Al Chiba, DM 

CH Siriuksen Don Ätik
red shaded persian, 24.2.91-21.5.03 
EP&EC Notturno del Do Diesis,DM x GIP&EC Larcana di Al Chiba,DM
own Mira Salonen FIN

PR Siriuksen Ottilia
black and white norwegian forest cat, 2.12.86-5.12.97
CH Koivuhaan Hector x IP Takku
own Sirkka Grönvall FIN

Siriuksen Dona Bambola
silver tabby persian, born 28.2.98
EP&EC Siriuksen Nirvana, DM x Siriuksen Roma

Siriuksen Garibaldi 27.11.92-4.4.03 (cancer)
& Glorious Geisha

white copper-eyed persian kittens
IC Assarahia Exsais Chemel x Siriuksen Athene

Garibaldi "Rambo" was a very special cat. He was a film star, as he was  starring in a movie  "Suolaista ja makeaa" and also in TV commercials.

CH Honeydew Pretty Silkworm
black persian  21.1.94 - 5.4.04 (cancer)
GIP&EC Henrietan Brown Toddler,DM x CH Henrietan What A Dream,DM
breeder: Leena Kahila, Finland
Thank You Leena for this Special Lady!


3 x BIV, 7 x nominated, 2 x BOX, 2 x BIS & 1 x Best of The Best!


Siriuksen Riccardo

silvertabby persian male, born 8.6.02 
1 x BIV, 3 x NOM, 1 x BIS
Kitten of the year 2002 nr 11
EC Vixi´s PhanTom, DM x IC Honeydew Juliet

EC Siriuksen Waikiki
browntabby persian  23.4.96 - 14.1.05 (PKD)
EP&EC Siriuksen Nirvana, DM x Siriuksen Glorious Geisha


5 x nominated & 2 x BOX

EC Siriuksen Wanda, 
EC Siriuksen Waikiki & 
IP Siriuksen Wattson

 Wattson: 6 x Nom, 1 x BOX, 1 x BIS 
own Terry Voorhees Ohio, USA


IC Siriuksen Odette
white copper-eyed persian female, born 27.4.94-8.3.05 (PKD) 
IC Assarahia Exsais Chemel x Siriuksen Athene
own. Virpi Mäkelä FIN

5 x Best of variety, 6 x Nom, 2 x BOX, 1 x BIS

EP Siriuksen Ximena

white copper-eyed persian female neuter, born 25.4.96
Siriuksen Garibaldi x IC Siriuksen Dona Marmotta
own Satu Ojanperä FIN

10 x nominated, 1 x BOX & 3 x BIS
Neuter of the year 2000 # 6


Siriuksen Exotic Årlando 
silver spotted tabby exotic male born 31.10.04
CH LT*Billet-Doux Stebuklas  x CH Clover-Club Heart of Silver 

own Camilla Elo, FIN

IC Siriuksen ZsaZsaCurl

Lilactortiesilvertabbypoint longhair American Curl  12.7.04-26.7.05
CH Rinaldo of Boomer, JW   x  GIC Siriuksen TangoCurl
 6 x NOM, 1 x BIS, 1 x Best of Best
Never forgotten- our little bird
Your friend the robin sings to you in our garden

EC Siriuksen Wanda

white copper-eyed persian female, born 23.4.96 
EP&EC Siriuksen Nirvana, DM x Siriuksen Glorious Geisha
own. Tuula & Henrik Öhman FIN, Cattery Minnikatin

 10 x Best of variety, 5 x Nom, 1 x BOX

IC Siriuksen Glorious Gina

black persian born 24.2.99-26.7.05
EC Vixi´s PhanTOM, DM x EC Siriuksen Waikiki
My special baby since the very beginning

EP&EC Siriuksen Nirvana, DM

silver tabby persian male neuter (Picture taken -95) 17.4.94 -13.9.05 (PKD)
EP&EC Henrietan Caretaker x GIP&EC Larcana di Al Chiba, DM

Cat of The Year 1995 & 1996 (all breeds!)
Cat of the year 1997 nr 4
Neuter of the year 2001 nr 9
Veteran of the year 2001 nr 4
Neuter of the year 2002 nr 3
Veteran of the year 2002 nr 4
64 x nominated, 35 x Best In Show, 3 x Best Opp. Sex, 13 x BIV, 
8 x Best Veteran & 8 x Best of The Best!

Our Nysse was a Special Cat and deserved a special conditions every day!

Thank you for staying with us these years, but we´d love to keep you forever!

EC Vixi's PhanTom, DM

black persian male 13.10.96-27.7.06
IC Vixi's MoJoe, DM x Vixi's Shalimar
breeder: Lisbeth Andersson & Jörgen Jensen, Denmark

14 x BIV, 16 x nominated, 1 x BOX, 5 x BIS & 1 x Best of The Best!
Cat of the year 2003 / stud nr 3
Cat of the year 2004 / stud nr 1
Cat of the year 2005 / stud nr 1

Thank You Jörgen for this great boy
He will never be forgotten and we are happy he is living on his beautiful children and grandchildren!

EP&EC Siriuksen Utopia

bluetortie silvertabby persian born 23.4.95-14.3.08 (aenestesia complication; liver failure)
EC Stalworth Use Your Diamonds x EC Siriuksen Dona Contessa

20 x nominated, 7 x BOX, 1 x BIS, 1 x Best Veteran
Neuter of the year 2002 nr 11
Neuter of the year 2003 nr 9

Veteran of the year 2002 nr 6
Veteran of the year 2003 nr 4

Our very special Tiuhti!

EP Siriuksen Osiris

brown mackerel tabby with white norwegian forest cat, born 2.12.86
CH Koivuhaan Hector x IP Takku
own Jaana Pynnönen FIN

6 x BOV, 12 x best NFO neuter, 10 x NOM, 6 x BIS


EP Siriuksen Exotic Velho

silvertabby white exotic neuter, born 22.6.03-??
8 x NOM, 1 x BOX, 1 x BIS
EC Kikicat Special Dreamweaver x EC N*ConBrio´s Silver Juliette
own. Tuula & Henrik Öhman, cattery Minnikatin FIN

Why he had to put to sleep? That will never be forgiven.


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